Prolander Cup #6 Playoffs

Match Date
12/20/2020 09:00 PM CET
Default Date
12/20/2020 09:00 PM CET

Home 2.20

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Yotts Admin
 12/20/2020 08:31 PM CET
Welcome to Playoffs. Playoffs will consist of two rounds. Each round will be a best of 1 where teams will pick maps based on the maps played previously in the tournament.
The available maps are :

koth_synthetic_rc6a (Best of 5)
pl_vigil_rc7 (Best of 3)
koth_cascade_v2_b4 or koth_cascade_v2_b5 (Best of 5)

The pick bans process will be:
Away ban map
Home decides the map

The winners of this match will go into the grand finals, and the losers will play for third place. Maps need to be posted prior to playing so I can setup your match.

As always, if you have any questions please reach out to HappyPurple directly over discord. HappyPurple's discord id is Happypurple#7698. If you need to contact an admin please dm me directly.

Jelly - Zipf's law
 12/20/2020 08:52 PM CET
we ban vigil lol

lee - Vorpal Swords
 12/20/2020 08:52 PM CET
We're gonna go with cascade then! connect; password twanswights and we'll see you there once our last arrives!

Jelly - Zipf's law
 12/20/2020 08:54 PM CET
can we get a more central server like dallas? 4 of us were struggling with 100+ ping yesterday :)

lee - Vorpal Swords
 12/20/2020 08:58 PM CET
Last time our server was a Montreal server so this might work better

Jelly - Zipf's law
 12/20/2020 09:16 PM CET ringer, he mained sniper, but we'll class restrict them :)

lee - Vorpal Swords
 12/20/2020 09:17 PM CET

lee Auto Generated - Vorpal Swords
 12/20/2020 09:43 PM CET
Match score submitted.
Final score
Vorpal Swords: 2.2
Zipf's law: 0.8

Map Results
Vorpal Swords: 3
Zipf's law: 1